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Your First 72 Hours in Herbalife

Your first 72 hours as an Herbalife Independent Distributor play an important role in your future success. 

Follow these steps that will lead you on the path to achieving your business goals and a brighter future.

Taking advantage of Distributor tools and attending events to learn about promotions and products will also help you to grow your business effectively.

Follow these five easy steps to your first sale.

Set Your Goals

Build your business plan:
Do you want to work full time or part time?
How much money do you want to make?
How soon can you start?
Use the Products
Learn the products firsthand and become your own best advertising. 

Start with our core products:

Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix
Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex
Formula 3 Cell Activator®
Call People You Know

How many people can you talk to about Herbalife in the first 72 hours? Write down your Circle of Influence – friends, relatives and acquaintances – and get started. Here are some helpful points to get you going:

Use the products and talk about their benefits.

Wear the button and encourage conversation.
Talk to everyone you know.
Share Your Story

When you use the products, the results you achieve make you a product of the product.

Get out and share your success story.

Always show your passion for the products.
Inspire others to achieve their own goals.
Create Long-Term Customers

Find out what your potential customers want. Do they want to lose weight? Earn money? Improve their skin? Improve their overall health?

Invite prospects to a presentation.
Place their orders.

Follow up with each customer and personalize programs to fit their goals.

More Building Blocks for Long-Term Success

Build relationships with customers and potential Distributors by staying in touch and helping them succeed with the products.

Ask for referrals. Teach others what you have learned. Duplicate this over and over.

Talk to your upline.

Attend a Success Training Seminar.

Review the career books located in your International Business Pack (IBP) manuals to get your business headed in the right direction – fast.

Remember, if you believe it, you can achieve it!


Please contact Distributor Relations at 866-866-4744.


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