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Herbalife: The 'Perfect' Business Opportunity ...Right?

Let's see if I got this right...
When you first joined your Herbalife International opportunity as an Independent Distributor, you couldn't sleep at night because you were so excited! 
 Your leaders probably told you to make a list of 50 to 100 friends and family and hand out Herbalife brochures, CD's and DVD's to everyone within 3 feet of you and get them to the Herbalife website, invite people over to your Herbalife home party every week ...I'll bet you've put out 100's of Herbalife flyers... and your upline promised you they'd help you with your Herbalife MLM training and close the first few into your downline for you to get you going... "just get them on the phone and do a 3-way with me and I'll talk to them!"
You probably got your very own website with the full back office so you could "manage your business easier," maybe even ordered some fancy Herbalife business cards - after gotta look professional, you memorized the entire Herbalife compensation plan and a flawless Herbalife presentation, heard dozens of Herbalife testimonials, and you know it's ONLY a matter of time before you quit your day job and go down to the dealership to plop down a thick wad of cash on that hot new sports car you've had your eye on for so long... saying those beautiful magic words...
        "No thanks, Mr. Car Salesman.  I won't need financing... I'm paying cash!"
Should I even MENTION the "dream house"?
Maybe you even thought you'd get a head start and bought some "bargain" Herbalife opportunity leads.  (Did they have that special 'deal' going on for biz-op leads ...just for YOU? -today only, right?)
Some people tell me they have paid as much as $20 per lead ...only to recruit NOBODY!  I keep wondering who's getting rich off who?


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