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Showing posts with the label Formula 3 - Personalized Protein Powder

Personalized Protein Powder

Overview Get high quality protein to help keep you from getting hungry and assist with good nutrition, fitneess and health goals. Key Benefits This product helps to build and maintain lean muscle mass, protein supplement to satisfy your hunger. Soy, whey protein and essential amino acids. Details Formula 3 includes Soy Protein isolate, Whey protein Concetrate and Starch. Usage Protein supplement helps you feel full and increase metabolism. TO ORDER THIS PRODUCT CALL US AT +91-9502945769 OR EMAIL US AT

Formula 3 - Personalized Protein Powder

Formula 3 - Personalized Protein Powder Next add Herbalife's Personalized Protein Powder to your shake and take the effects you receive to the next level. You see, the muscles in your body are the engines that move us, the calories we eat, especially carbohydrates, are the fuel. The more lean muscle we have in our body the more calories we burn, even sitting on the couch! So how do we add more lean muscle to our body? Eat more lean protein and stay active. There have been many books written about what is the perfect protein, especially Dr. David Heber's LA Shape Diet. Their answer is non-meat protein, mostly soy protein to be exact. The reason is proteins are the building blocks of muscle, and easy to digest, non-fat protein is almost all used to create lean healthy muscle. So the less useless carbohydrates we eat and the more soy protein, we change the equation in our body from one that adds fat and hurts our health, to one that efficiently burns more calories and gives