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Showing posts with the label children

Health Information and Statistics

According to the World Health Organization, the global epidemic of overweight and obesity - "globesity" - is rapidly becoming a major public health problem in many parts of the world. Paradoxically coexisting with undernutrition in developing countries, the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity is associated with many diet-related chronic diseases including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension and certain cancers. For up to one-third of the world's population, vitamin and mineral deficiencies are keeping children from reaching their full physical and intellectual potential, according to two reports by UNICEF, reports USA Today.  Obese adolescents have the same risk of premature death in adulthood as people who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day, while those who are overweight have the same risk as less heavy smokers, according to research published on the British Medical Journal website. Being moderately overweight or obese ap

Kids food and shakes

Overview Chocolate flavoured shake mix, provides essential proteins and nutrients. Key Benefits Nutrients to help all aspects for a growing child's wellness. Details Dinoshake is mainly a protein supplement made from easily digestible milk protein i.e whey protein. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals that is vital for growing children. Usage Having Formula 3 is very simple. Just beat, stir or shake 25 g of Formula 3 with water, skimmed milk or juice. You can get a nice frothy shake which is smooth, creamy and tasty. Fast Facts Children need more nutrients than adults for their growth and development to get your child to a “smart start” include Herbalife Dinoshake as part of a balanced breakfast. Great to taste, the shakes are bound to be their favourite any day. Dinoshake is an easy way to ensure that your child gets protein and other essential nutrients in their daily diet. TO ORDER THIS PRODUCT CALL US AT +91-9502945769 OR EMAIL US AT healthandw